Overcoming the language barrier.

Tag how to learn english

The power of a pause.

One of the easiest ways to improve the clarity of your speech is to slow down and use pauses. In our fast-paced world, many of us have come to feel uncomfortable with silence. It’s like we’re some kind of failures… Continue Reading →

A voice worth listening to.

Have you ever heard a speaker who was actually really interesting, but you just couldn’t seem to hold your eyes open? Most likely they had a monotonous voice or they just didn’t seem very interested in what they were saying…. Continue Reading →

Your accent isn’t your problem.

When new clients come to me, one of the first things they say is, “I want to get rid of my accent.” My answer is always the same: “Why on earth would you want to do that.” There is a… Continue Reading →

TV, your best English teacher!

How watching TV can help you improve your speech What would you say if I told you that watching TV and listening to the radio could help you improve your speech?! It’s true! The first step to improving your pronunciation… Continue Reading →

Pronunciation Practice Ideas

Today I’d like to share with you some really quick and easy ways that you can integrate speech and pronunciation practice into your daily routines. 1) Newspaper Practice Do you read the newspaper in the morning? Ok, take just 10… Continue Reading →

Typical Writing Mistakes

Even the best writers unintentionally repeat themselves or forget words. While it is true that perfection is unattainable, it is also true that we can better our skills. One of the typical mistakes we make must be the repetition we create without… Continue Reading →

To Shadow, or Not To Shadow, That is the Question-

  First of all, we need to understand what “shadowing” means to go even further into considering this method. And yes, it is a learning method that has quite a few variables. It is used in every single job/ homework/ essay…… Continue Reading →

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