Overcoming the language barrier.

Tag english input

The power of a pause.

One of the easiest ways to improve the clarity of your speech is to slow down and use pauses. In our fast-paced world, many of us have come to feel uncomfortable with silence. It’s like we’re some kind of failures… Continue Reading →

A voice worth listening to.

Have you ever heard a speaker who was actually really interesting, but you just couldn’t seem to hold your eyes open? Most likely they had a monotonous voice or they just didn’t seem very interested in what they were saying…. Continue Reading →

TV, your best English teacher!

How watching TV can help you improve your speech What would you say if I told you that watching TV and listening to the radio could help you improve your speech?! It’s true! The first step to improving your pronunciation… Continue Reading →

How To Stop Translating?

How can I stop translating from my native language into English? Many people call it a bad habit. However, I want to let you know that this isn’t a bad habit at all. Translating is perfectly OK and is actually… Continue Reading →

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