There are three main things that go into a great presentation:
Planning, writing the presentation, then practicing and delivering your presentation.
Planning and writing your presentation
Let’s start with thinking about what a presentation is. Is it the same as a speech? Most people don’t think so. A speech is usually just a speaker talking. In a presentation, we only show something. That could be photos of a slide, date computer, an object or even how to do something like on a cooking show.
Before you write your presentation, you will need to choose a topic. What are you going to present about? Then, think about you message. What do you want to tell us or ask the audience to do?
Once you have a topic and the main message, you will need to plan your presentation. Think about these elements. How would you start your presentation? With a greeting ? With a question ? Your start should catch your audience attention. Then, introduce your topic and message. Tell the audience what you’re going to talk about and why it’s important. Then make your points. Two or three points should be enough for a short presentation.
Repeat your main message and then end your speech. Your ending should have an impact, too.
Finally, think about props for your presentation. Are you going to show photos, slides an object? Once you have your plan, write your presentation, and check it for mistakes. Ask your teacher to check if there aren’t any mistakes.
Then, you will be ready for the next step, which is our next blog topic:
Delivering your presentation.
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