When we talk about “Proper English,” what exactly do we mean? Do we mean the English that you can take home to your grandmother? Do we mean the English that will impress your boss? Or do we mean the English that everyone will understand?
The first question people ask ESL or EFL teachers, is “What is proper English”? There are so many different kinds of English in our world. Which one should we use?
There is no one, “proper” English!
No matter how hard grammarians, English teachers and language snobs try to maintain rule and order in English, the language continues to change.
The users of the English language — you and me — decide what is proper with every word and sentence we speak and write. Once enough people believe something is proper, … it becomes a rule.
This is exactly why we have so many different varieties of English.
So does this mean we should ignore the rules and guidelines of English?
No. It means we need to know and understand our listeners, and know how to adapt our speech to better fit their expectations.
In international settings, our goal is no longer to be “proper”, but rather to be “understood”.
However you get there is up to you.
September 28, 2014 at 1:56 pm
Incredible quite a lot of excellent info!